SPENCER FLIES SOLO - October 8, 2006Spencer said good-bye as he left for the airport on a birthday trip to see Grammy Alice and Grandpa Bill in Vancouver, Washington.
At the airport, Spencer prepares himself for flight with a few Junior Mints.
Spencer's "Unaccompanied Minor" neck badge and boarding pass.
Spencer's airplane is in the background of this picture. Spencer spent his wait-time watching the luggage get loaded, the gas filled, etc. The word "luggage" was added to his vocabulary
Spencer and "The Boss" (as we described him) or Captain. Spencer's boarding pass was handed in and he was ready to get going.
It was official: Spencer was on his own now, meaning he wasn't with is mom anymore. We thought Mom would be able to walk him on the plane, but not so. The captain took him to the plane. We heard later that Spencer got to visit the cockpit and met the other pilot. He also got to see the captain flip the "missile" switch in the cockpit, which of course was turned off to keep the people safe who were outside. Spencer loved it.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Posted by janelle at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 01, 2006
July 15: The boys set up shop outside and sold $40 worth of lemonade and cookies in two days. They put it toward buying real lightsabers.
July 18: Zach got his Bobcat badge at his cubscout pack meeting. Yay!
July 22: The boys went with their dad to make s'mores up the canyon.
August 4: Each kid got to choose 10 pieces of salt water taffy at a candy store in Seaside, Oregon.
August 4: At the beach in Seaside, OR Uncle Ryan is flying a huge kite and the kids search in the sand for treasures.

August 11: Ava enjoys a summer day at the park in her baseball hat.

Posted by janelle at 12:20 PM 0 comments
SOCCER SEASONJake has come leaps and bounds in soccer this year. He can play "all by himself" - meaning not being carried down the field by his dad. This is Jake as part of his team's defensive line. He likes this defensive stance so much that he assumes it regularly during the game, even when the ball is in the far corners of the field :)
Spencer is a soccer star, running at lighting speed, knocking kids over (one of his main goals), and scoring goals. His team is called the White Dragons.

Posted by janelle at 10:55 AM 0 comments