While doing some last-minute panic shopping today with my sister, Jocelyn, she advised me that I should do more updating blogs about family. So here's a bit of what's been going on during the last week or so....
FEELING AGED: When the word "retro" conjures up actual toys from your childhood, you know the years are passing swiftly. We unpacked a package from my mom this week and found a little surprise - this is a toy that we played with when I was little.
RELIVING FUN MICRO-TRADITIONS: I wonder what memories my kids will have when they're older and have to come up with their own yearly standbys. When I was little, Santa always managed to find a little Whitman's Sampler to put in my stocking (I seriously sound like a grandma).
Santa still puts them in the stockings at our house. While they ain't no See's candy, there's something awesome about getting a whole box of chocolates all to yourself. Grammy supplied some of these little boxes in her package this week. Thanks for the retro candy!
GINGERBREAD HOUSE DECORATING: At our house we decorate gingerbread houses so that my kids can eat the candy off them like a cloud of devouring locusts almost before the frosting hardens into pristine cement.
Just before the feeding frenzy - half the candy was eaten before the decorating began
Next year I think I'm just going to get the kit, unload the candy into three individual bowls, hand my kids their forks, and let them have at it. The gingerbread itself can be dumped in the garbage, unused. There's nothing like a gnawed-on gingerbread house to spruce up a Christmas centerpiece and announce, in case there was any doubt, that kids live here.ATTENDING CHRISTMAS CONCERTS: Spencer put on a Christmas concert with the other first graders at his school this week. There were tons of cute songs performed by the most enthusiastic singing group I've ever seen at an elementary school.
Miraculously loud, but mercifully not much shouting. Very well done. Good job, teachers.
MORE HILARITY FROM JAKE: I thought Jake was going to sleep, light had been turned off, goodnights said. Then I noticed something going on at the end of the hall and lo and behold it was some serious reading. The hardhat was a smooth move and got him one book before the lights were turned off again since I couldn't immediately squash such a unique approach to being naughty. I'm surprised his eyeballs worked at all with that searchlight aimed at his face.
CHRISTMAS WALK OF SHAME: I came home from tonight's shopping trip with Jocie to find two amazing and lavish gifts from neighbors - no pics of the gifts since it's late and I'm lazy (but you can see us here assembling our own giveaways). Package number one was a cute lidded glass contai
Jocie should not really criticize your excellent blogging since she doesn't do it at all, but she is right because I really like all the retro fun family stuff! Those neighbor gifts are cool- flakes live here is right up my alley. Just appreciate that you have good neighbors and leave it at that.
Also, I remember those Whitman samplers. I always had to eat them all because you guys didn't like chocolate candy, only the nasty candy canes. I can't look at a Whitman's without thinking of your stocking! And you always got cool gifts in your stocking like earrings. Wrapped. We got an orange at the toe.
thank you
Your neighborly gifts put mine to shame (I mean the ones you gave out.) I won't expand, other than it was a plate of unusual cookies. And not so good. Next year's is going to be so much better!
Hi Jocie!!
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