What I really mean is that at the Maroon 5 concert in Seattle last week my friend Melissa and I were the same age as the old people were at concerts when we were in high school. Actually, we fit in pretty well with all the other old people at this concert--there were many. I don't think kids go to concerts anymore. I'm not sure what they do. But I think it's sad if it's true. As soon as I got home I did a search to see if there was a concert in Utah I could take my kids to. They need to experience it.

Even though I wasn't a huge concert go-er growing up I have great memories of many "firsts" in my life that came along by way of a concert; the list has turned out to be a chronicle of my life (or maybe personality?) in minature. Here are a few:
My first concert ever: Prince, Lovesexy tour, Paris! (that alone changed my adolescent life)

Check out a ticket stub from that tour--amazing:

Actually my real first concert (I was in second grade): Neil Diamond (the green lasers made quite an impression--I brought this journey full circle when I saw Anne Murray perform in my 20s--If only I'd made it to see Olivia Newton John the representation of my early musical foundation would be complete.

My first date with my husband: Aztec Camera, UT -I was 17 and he was about to turn 19. I thought he was supercool for taking me to a concert.

Coming home from this concert was my first and only time getting pulled over for going too slow (I can't believe I admitted to this): BonJovi, CA

First concert my sister and I pushed and shoved our way up to the metal gates separating the band from crazy people in the pit: Bon Jovi, Vienna (half of our group went to Vivaldi Four Seasons at the Vienna Opera House. Hmmm, I'm still glad we chose different.) It's also the only concert where they opened the gates and we made a life threatening run in a stampede all the way across a baseball field the size of Candlestick Park to get a good spot. Woohoo!
First concert I was singled out by the lead singer for being the only one in the front standing virtually still: The Cult, KS - I'm painfully inhibited when it comes to dancing - I've been known to hide for hours when faced with dancing in public, but that's another story.

First concert I had a ticket to but wasn't allowed in (forgot my ID): Echo and the Bunnymen, UT - that really sucked, at least I got to hang out with my friend Courtney while my husband and our friends Jack and Jaime were at the concert. I am lame.

First concert I've been to as an old person: Maroon5, WA - I'm not sure when I crossed over into old person territory, but there it is. Melissa, please save that video of yours. The screaming of that crazed fan is priceless.

Jannie I remember that Bon Jovi New Jersey concert at Shoreline! It was so good and we got pulled over in the white Peugeot b/c the speedometer was off. Plus Jocie and I were asleep and left you to drive. Not polite.
I go to a lot more concerts now (but the boys pay of course) but think kids don't go as much because it's so darn expensive. I was at the Eagles concert and swear I was the youngest one there by 10 years. Including my date who was 47. Plus I think the tix were $150. I made sure he got his money's
worth :-).I was also the loudest singer, even though it was definitely a sing-a-long concert for all. Is there anyone who doesn't know every single word to Desperado?
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