Ava and Abe share a birthday on February 12. Here are a few pictures to celebrate the day (this picture was taken in the morning, read on for the rest of the story):
For Ava, it was like any other day: adoring fans trying madly to assess her needs and take care of them quickly. She gave smiles and many shouted "Hi!"s in return.Ava met Barbie for the first time, though we don't much care if Barbie sticks around or not after today. It was fun for the cake. Ava was tentative at first and then had a grand time licking the frosting off her fingers.
I've decided all kid birthdays should ideally be celebrated in the first half of the day, preferably at breakfast. It's just about killed Spencer for a few birthdays running to have to wait until dinner for the party/present-opening/festivities to start. By the time the party hour rolled around, Ava looked like she was about to keel over, poor little kid.
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